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Category: Articles

5 Reasons Why You Need a 100 % Cotton Baby Blanket

Baby Bed and Sleeping Tips by babylove  June 9, 2021 For a baby blanket, cotton may be an ideal decision, but it’s important to understand why a 100% cotton baby blanket is a good choice for modern mothers. Your newborn is as sensitive as is their skin. That is why cotton is the best organic fabric for… continue reading

Tips For Safe Bath Temperature For Babies What you need to know?

Baby Bath and Bathing Tipsby babylove June 2, 2021 A safe bath temperature for the little one and kids is between 37°C and 38°C. Scalds can occur in seconds if the bathwater is too hot. Numerous scalds happen in the bathroom when: a kid is placed in a dangerously hot shower a kid is already in… continue reading

Things To Consider When Buying Baby Mattress

Baby Bed and Sleeping Tips by babylove  May 26, 2021 Young parents today are way more cautious about what they provide for their infants. It is only natural as parents always strive to give the best for their babies. Usually, more parents are worried about their babies’ sleep. Usually, more parents are worried about their babies’ sleep.... continue reading

How to Choose the Perfect Potty for your Toddler

Baby Bath and Bathing Tips by babylove  May 19, 2021 There are so many potties available, how do you know which one to pick? Before making your purchase, we’ve listed a few important factors to consider when picking a potty. Is your kid ready to make the jump out of diapers? Congrats! Now it’s the ideal time… continue reading

Baby Skin and Hair Care Simplified

Baby Skin and Hair Care Simplified A newborn baby has the most delicate skin imaginable. Great care must be taken to protect your newborn from uncomfortable skin problems. WASHING BABY’S HAIR Fill a cup with water to wet baby’s hair. Put a small amount of baby shampoo and rub in a gentle circular motion. Keep… continue reading

Rawatan Gigi Semasa Hamil

Rawatan Gigi Semasa Hamil Bolehkah? “Aduh, sakitnya gigiku!” Sakit gigi merupakan suatu perkara yang sering menjadi kebimbangan buat si ibu hamil. Seringkali bakal ibu tertanya-tanya, bolehkah mereka mendapatkan rawatan gigi semasa sedang mengandung.     Penjagaan gigi semasa hamil Semasa hamil, ibu lazimnya hanya mengambil berat akan perkembangan bayi, perubahan bentuk tubuh dan juga penjagaan… continue reading

Misunderstanding of These Pantang

Misunderstanding of These Pantang People will usually tell you what you can and cannot do during confinement period, called as pantang (taboo). Surprisingly, there are plenty of traditional pantang or prohibitions supposed to be followed by all the new mothers. In fact, not all of them are scientifically correct.  Pantang 1: Don’t Brush Your teeth… continue reading

6 Minggu Pertama Penting

6 Minggu Pertama Penting Enam minggu pertama adalah tempoh penting yang akan memastikan sama ada anda dapat meneruskan penyusuan susu ibu ataupun tidak. Ketahui tips yang akan membantu anda menjayakan penyusuan susu ibu. Bersedia dari awal. Sebelum menimang cahaya mata lagi, pastikan anda melengkapkan diri dengan pengetahuan tentang penyusuan seperti menghadiri kelas penyusuan , membaca… continue reading

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